Yiwu city of poly Knitting Co., Ltd. is a manufacturing enterprise specializing in R & D, production of all kinds of silk stockings, socks, lingerie, seamless underwear and other products in spring, summer, autumn and winter. It mainly produces "YILIAMA Elana" series brand products. Welcome all the customers around the world to come to discuss and cooperate! Address: No. 10 of Yi Tong Industrial District, Zhejiang, Yiwu, Zhejiang, China, telephone: 86-0579-85899280, fax: 86-0579-85899280, QQ:838006860, Email:yilianna2012@163.com, address: yilianna2012.1688.com general manager Wu Qiangguang and all colleagues sincerely welcome your visit
企 业 简 介
义乌市缘聚针织有限公司成立于2007年,是一家专业从事研发、生产、销售春夏秋冬各款丝袜、网袜、情趣内衣、无缝内衣等产品的制造企业,主要生产“YILIAMA依莲娜”系列品牌产品,公司拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系,先进的经编网袜机、意大利罗纳地丝袜机、无缝内衣裤机、台湾星锐四针六线拼缝机、日本重工套结机和日本飞马拷边机等150多台套,员工200多人,月产量100多万条(双)。公司的“YILIANNA依莲娜”品牌是广东省著名商标,注册于1994年。多年来的发展公司在其原有基础上,引进更先进的生产工艺和优质面料,融合时尚的设计理念使产品更时尚美观,公司产品主要销往美国、意大利、法国、德国、西班牙、俄罗斯、日本、韩国等欧美、中东和亚太地区,公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎全球各地客商前来洽谈合作!地址:中国浙江省义乌市义亭镇姑塘工业区相宜路10号,电话:86-0579-85899280,手机:15369222083,传真:86-0579-85899280,QQ:838006860,Email:yilianna2012@163.com,网址: yilianna2012.1688.com总经理伍强光携全体同仁真诚欢迎您的光临!
Enterprise introduction
Yiwu city of poly Knitting Co., Ltd. was established in 2007.It is a manufacturing enterprise specializing in R & D,production and sales of all kinds of silk stockings, socks,lingerie, seamless underwear and other products in spring,summer, autumn and winter. It mainly produces "YILIAMAElana" series brand products.The company has a complete and scientific quality management system and advanced quality management system.The warp knitting socks machine,Italy Rona silk stockings machine, seamless underwear machine, Taiwan star Rui four needle six line stitch machine,Japanese heavy industrial knitting machine and Japanese flying horse copy machine and other more than 150 sets, employees more than 200 people, the monthly output of about1000000 (double). The company's "YILIANNA Irina" brand is a famous brand in Guangdong Province, registered in 1994.Over the years, the company has introduced more advanced production technology and high quality fabric on its original basis, and integrated fashion design concept to make the product more fashionable and beautiful. The company's products are mainly sold to America, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Russia, Japan, Korea and Europe,the Middle East and the Asia Pacific region. Integrity, strength and product quality are recognized by the industry.Welcome all the customers around the world to come to discuss and cooperate! Address: No.10 of Yi Tong IndustrialZone, Yi Ting Town, Yiwu, Zhejiang,China, telephone: 86-0579-85899280, mobile phone:15369222083, fax: 86-0579-85899280,QQ:838006860,Email:yilianna2012@163.com,
URL: yilianna2012.1688.com general manager Wu Qiang Guang and all colleagues sincerely welcome your visit!
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